Book Notes: The 5AM Club

Aug 23, 2024

⚡ Key Insights

  • Early Morning Advantage: Rise before dawn when your mind is sharpest, and your focus is at its peak.
  • Commit to Growth: True progress comes from consistency, especially when it's tough. Push through the resistance.
  • Small Steps, Big Changes: Tiny daily improvements compound into significant transformations over time.

🌟 Impressions

"The 5 AM Club" caught my eye with its blend of self-help wisdom and fictional storytelling. Unlike the usual non-fiction, which can sometimes feel dry or like power point slides, this book’s character-driven plot pulled me in, making the initial chapters as immersive as a good movie. I was particularly struck by how closely the story mirrored my own recent experiences, same setting, almost as if the book was speaking directly to me.

However, as the narrative progressed, I noticed the dialogue becoming a bit stilted and the characters losing some of their authenticity. The lessons remained insightful, but I found myself skipping ahead, eager to extract the book's core messages. While the narrative approach adds a fresh dimension, it sometimes overshadows the essence of the teachings. Some readers may prefer a straightforward summary, while others might appreciate the lessons revealed through the unfolding story.

🔍How I Discovered It

In yoga, there's a sacred time called Brahmamuhurta—the golden hour before sunrise, perfect for tapping into a calm, focused mind. This resonated with me as I sought discipline and purpose in my mornings. When I stumbled upon this book, it felt like a natural extension of the yogic wisdom I already valued. The book promised a practical framework for harnessing the power of early mornings, which immediately got my interest. Nice.

☘️ Top Takeaways

1. Breaking Free from Mediocrity

  • 🌱 Living with Purpose, Not Routine
    Avoid the trap of monotony by seeking a life filled with intention. This quote really hit home. It's a powerful reminder that life should be more than just repetition. What is your life worth if you are living like in a bad Groundhog day..
"Living the same week a few thousand times and calling it a life. I need to tell you that too many among us die at thirty and are buried at eighty. So, I do get you. You hoped things would be different. More interesting. More exciting. More fulfilling, special and magical."
  • 🚀 Rejecting Excuses
    The message here is clear: don’t wait for perfect conditions to act. Progress comes from starting now, not later.
"I heard a man say he needed to lose weight before he could start running. Imagine that. Lose the weight so he could initiate the running habit. That’s like a writer who waits for inspiration to begin the book, or the manager who waits for a promotion to lead the field, or a startup that waits for full funding before launching a status quo–disrupting product. The flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation."

2. Embracing Growth and Transformation

  • 💪 Turning the Past into Power
    Your past doesn't define you; it prepares you. Past experiences are stepping stones for future success. It’s about seeing every challenge as necessary for your growth, transforming pain into power.
"No matter where you are on the pathway of your life, please don’t let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future. You are so much more powerful than you may currently understand. Splendid victories—and outright blessings—are coming your way. And you’re exactly where you need to be to receive the growth necessary for you to lead the unusually productive, extremely prodigious and exceptionally influential life that you’ve earned through your harshest trials. Nothing is wrong at this moment, even if it feels like everything’s falling apart. If you sense your life’s a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are just a little stronger than your faith. With practice, you can turn down the volume of the voice of your scared self. And increase the tone of your most triumphant side. The truth is that every challenging event you’ve experienced, each toxic person that you’ve encountered and all the trials you’ve endured have been perfect preparation to make you into the person that you now are. You needed these lessons to activate the treasures, talents and powers that are now awakening within you. Nothing was an accident. Zero was a waste. You’re definitely exactly where you need to be to begin the life of your most supreme desires. One that can make you an empire-builder along with a world-changer. And perhaps even a history-maker."
  • ⏳ Understanding the Right Timing
    Growth happens when we are ready to receive it. Be open to learning when the time is right. Some sentences or views resonate way differently depending on where we are in life.
"We only hear what we’re ready to hear. All learning meets us exactly where we’re at. And as we grow greater, we understand better."

3. Cultivating a Winning Mindset

  • 🏆 Adhering to Rules of Greatness
    The book outlines five essential rules for achieving excellence. From avoiding distractions to pushing through tough moments, these rules emphasize the importance of focus, discipline, and perseverance in reaching your goals.
RULE #1 An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production. Empire-makers and history-creators take one hour for themselves before dawn, in the serenity that lies beyond the clutches of complexity, to prepare themselves for a world-class day.
RULE #2 Excuses breed no genius. Just because you haven’t installed the early-rising habit before doesn’t mean you can’t do it now. Release your rationalizations and remember that small daily improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results.
RULE #3 All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. Everything you now find easy you first found difficult. With consistent practice, getting up with the sun will become your new normal. And automatic.
RULE #4 To have the results The Top 5% of producers have, you must start doing what 95% of people are unwilling to do. As you start to live like this, the majority will call you crazy. Remember that being labeled a freak is the price of greatness.
RULE #5 When you feel like surrendering, continue. Triumph loves the relentless.Focus and discipline are essential when striving for greatness. Avoid distractions and push past excuses.

🌅 The 20/20/20 Formula: A Blueprint for Morning Success

20 us dollar bill
Photo by Dan Dennis / Unsplash

The biggest takeaway for me from "The 5 AM Club" is the 20/20/20 formula. It’s not just about waking up early—it’s about how you use that time to set the tone for your entire day. Before reading the book, I was already in the habit of waking up relatively early, usually spending around 45 minutes on yoga, sometimes adding a bit of meditation depending on how I felt that day. However, my other projects often didn’t find a place in my morning routine.

The 20/20/20 formula provided a structured approach that allowed me to carve out dedicated time for everything that mattered to me. The beauty of this system is its flexibility—it can be adjusted to fit your geolocation, lifestyle, and personal needs.

Here’s how the 20/20/20 formula breaks down:

  1. MOVE (20 minutes):Start your day with physical activity to wake up your body, reduce cortisol levels, and boost your mood. For me, this meant continuing my yoga practice but with a more focused intention. Whether it’s yoga, a quick workout, or even a brisk walk, this segment energizes you and sets a positive tone for the day.
  2. REFLECT (20 minutes):This time is for going inward—through meditation, journaling, or planning your day. I’ve found that this segment is essential for grounding myself and gaining clarity before the hustle of the day begins. Incorporating Bhakti Yoga or playing an instrument can also be a part of this reflection time, helping to deepen your connection to your intentions.
  3. GROW (20 minutes):Dedicate this portion to learning and personal development. Whether it’s reading, studying, or working on a creative project, this time ensures that you’re always expanding your knowledge and skills. Personally, I’ve shifted this time from consumption to output, using it to write and create, which has been incredibly fulfilling.

✍️ Action Steps

Step Action Purpose
🌄 Start Your Day Early Wake up at 5 AM (or a time that works best for you, ideally before sunrise). Begin your day in a quiet, focused state, taking advantage of the calm before the world gets busy.
🏃 MOVE: Energize Your Body (20 min) Engage in physical activity:
  • Quick workout (bodyweight exercises or a run)
  • Yoga session
  • Brisk walk
Wake up your body, boost your mood, and start your day with energy and vitality.
🧘 REFLECT: Center Your Mind (20 min) Go inward and prepare mentally:
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Planning your day
Gain clarity, reduce stress, and set a positive, intentional tone for your day.
📚 GROW: Expand Your Knowledge (20 min) Focus on learning and growth:
  • Read a book or article
  • Study something new
  • Create or brainstorm ideas
Continuously improve and feed your mind with valuable insights, setting a strong foundation for personal growth.
📊 Staying Consistent
  • Track your progress (journal/app)
  • Adjust as needed (make it flexible)
  • Start small (try 10/10/10 if 60 min feels daunting)
Build consistency and ensure the routine aligns with your lifestyle and goals, leading to sustained personal and professional growth.

📒 More Cool Notes


“Do not allow your fire to go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible.


The 5 Scientific Truths Behind Excellent Habits
Truth #1: World-class willpower isn’t an inborn strength, but a skill developed through relentless practice. Getting up at dawn is perfect self-control training.
Truth #2: Personal discipline is a muscle. The more you stretch it, the stronger it grows. Therefore, the samurais of self-regulation actively create conditions of hardship to build their natural power.
Truth #3: Like other muscles, willpower weakens when tired. Recovery is, therefore, absolutely necessary for the expression of mastery. And to manage decision fatigue.
Truth #4: Installing any great habit successfully follows a distinct four-part pattern for automation of the routine. Follow it explicitly for lasting results.
Truth #5: Increasing self-control in one area of your life elevates self-control in all areas of your life. This is why joining The 5 AM Club is the game-changing habit that will lift everything else that you do


Your personal leadership requires—no, demands—that you stop being a cyber-zombie relentlessly attracted to digital devices and restructure your life to model mastery, exemplify decency and relinquish the self-centeredness that keeps good people limited. The great women and men of the world were all givers, not takers. Renounce the common delusion that those who accumulate the most win. Instead, do work that is heroic—that staggers your marketplace by the quality of its originality as well as from the helpfulness it provides. While you do so, my recommendation is that you also create a private life strong in ethics, rich with marvelous beauty and unyielding when it comes to the protection of your inner peace. This, my friends, is how you soar with the angels. And walk alongside the gods.


Our culture tells us to pursue titles and trinkets, applause and acclaim, money and mansions. All that’s fine—it truly is—so long as you don’t get brainwashed into defining your worth as a human being by these things. Enjoy them, just don’t get attached to them. Have them, just don’t base your identity around them. Appreciate them, just don’t need them. These are only forms of fake power our civilization programs us to believe we must pursue to be successful—and serene. The fact is that should you lose any one of these things, the substitute power you derived from them evaporates. Just vanishes in an instant, revealing itself as the illusion it was.


Most people on the planet today don’t think. They just busy themselves being busy. They have every social tool imaginable yet have descended into giants of superficiality, not heroes of mastery. And in terms of their precious gifts and spectacular human potential, they’ve resigned themselves to lives of escapism versus lives of acumen. This is why they love gossiping versus studying, playing with their phones rather than interacting with great books and watching endless hours of reality TV instead of deepening the relationship with their loved ones.